Understanding Memory Loss on the Path of Spiritual Awakening
Hello, beautiful souls! I’m so grateful you’re here. Today, I want to address a question that frequently comes up on the path of spiritual awakening: memory loss.
Many people worry that experiencing memory loss might indicate something wrong with their brain. First, let me say—if you feel there’s a serious issue, such as concerns about Alzheimer’s or other conditions, it’s important to consult a doctor. However, for most, this memory shift is perfectly normal and part of the awakening process.
Why Memory Loss Happens
On the spiritual path, our entire human system undergoes a transformation. It becomes simpler, more streamlined, and optimized. Thoughts and memories that once felt crucial begin to fade because they’re no longer necessary.
From a young age, we’re taught that retaining information is essential. Yet, as we awaken, the need to hold on to every thought diminishes. Meditation and energy transmissions further quiet the mind, leading to fewer thoughts during practice and eventually in daily life.
Thoughts as Energy
Thoughts are simply energy on the mind level. Often, emotions trigger these thoughts, weaving endless stories. But as we progress, our focus shifts from the mind to the present moment. Energy flows freely, and stuck emotions and past memories begin to clear.
This clearing process simplifies life dramatically. What once seemed vital, like constant mental activity and memory recall, is revealed as unnecessary.
A New Way of Receiving Information
You might worry about forgetting important details. But here’s the beauty: when you truly need information, it will naturally arise in the present moment. For example, if you’re at the grocery store and forget your list, an intuitive nudge may guide you to pick up exactly what you need.
Our energy field, not the mind, holds the information relevant to each moment. As the mind quiets, we can better tune into these subtle impulses. Life flows more smoothly and simply, making it more enjoyable.
Memory Loss as Progress
Some may feel alarmed by this shift, but it’s a sign of profound progress. Old structures in the system are deconstructed and replaced by divine energy, clearing out what’s no longer needed. From a human perspective, this may feel like a loss, but spiritually, it’s a gain—a step toward greater clarity and ease.
Embracing the Journey
One funny story: a person who subscribed to Next Elevations emailed me the next day, wanting to cancel because they felt like they had no thoughts or memories. This rapid change can feel unsettling if you’re unprepared, but it’s a natural part of awakening.
If you’re experiencing this, know that it’s a sign of growth and healing. Your system is evolving beautifully.
Thank you so much for reading! If you have questions or want to share your experiences, please leave a comment—I’d love to hear from you. Sending lots of love, and see you next time!
With love, Eva