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Living In the Present Moment

Dec 30, 2024

3 min read




Today, let’s explore the present moment together—what it is, how it works energetically, and how you can make it your permanent state of being.

The idea of the present moment might not be new to you. It’s often said that the present moment is all that exists—there’s no past or future, just the now. Yet, we can experience the past and future because of the energy patterns held within us. You’ve likely felt truly present when you were deeply engaged in something creative, like baking, painting, or writing—where time seems to vanish, and you’re fully immersed in flow.

But why isn’t that our constant state?

The Energetics of the Present Moment

From an energetic perspective, as children, we naturally process emotions fully. When we’re happy, we’re completely happy. When we’re angry, we’re fully in that anger until it passes. But around age three, our systems start to hold onto unprocessed emotions. These energies accumulate over time, creating emotional "memories" that stay stuck in our system.

As adults, these stuck energies can be triggered by present experiences. For instance, you might feel anger over a small situation—like someone eating all the cookies you baked. That anger is not just about the cookies; it’s a mix of the current moment and unresolved energy from the past. The same applies to future projections, like deciding not to bake cookies next year to avoid frustration. These patterns pull us out of the now, making the past and future feel real, even though they’re just energetic residues.

Breaking the Pattern

Living fully in the present moment requires clearing these old energies from our system. As we heal and release them, we naturally shift into a state where the present moment becomes our default experience. Without the interference of past or future projections, life unfolds authentically—moment by moment, fresh and unfiltered.

When this shift happens, even memories from the past or plans for the future don’t carry emotional weight. You can reflect on a cherished memory or plan for an upcoming event, but it all happens in the now, without the emotional pull that once scattered your energy.

A New Way of Living

This state of presence brings immense clarity and energy. Without being drained by worries about the future or emotions from the past, you can focus fully on what’s in front of you. Life becomes more vibrant and authentic. Every moment feels alive and real because it’s free from the distortions of unprocessed energy.

From my own experience, living in the present moment has been one of the most transformative aspects of my awakening journey. The energy I once spent worrying about the future is now fully available for creating in the now. It’s an incredible feeling, and it’s available to everyone as part of their path.

Moving Toward Presence

If you’re on this journey, my advice is simple: keep clearing and healing your system. Presence isn’t something you need to force; it arises naturally as the old energies fall away. Over time, the mechanism that creates past and future projections dissolves, leaving only the purity of the present moment.

Thank you for taking the time to explore this with me. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to share. I’d love to hear from you. Wishing you a beautiful day filled with the vibrant energy of the now.

See you in the next post! 🌟❤️🙏

With love,


Dec 30, 2024

3 min read





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