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Finding Inner Peace and Silence: A Journey Back to Your True Nature

Oct 7, 2024

2 min read




Today I want to explore a topic that's close to all of us: inner peace and silence. Why don't we experience this peace all the time? More importantly, how can we invite more of it into our lives?

As you deepen your understanding of your True Nature, you'll find that silence is the essence of your experience. Everything that happens in life—manifestations, situations, and emotions—all occur within this silence. The challenge lies in the noise that often covers it.

So, why aren’t we experiencing peace consistently? The answer is quite simple on an energetic level: there’s a lot of "noise" in the system. This noise is caused by stuck energies that are triggered by life’s events. These energies move through us, but when the system isn’t open enough, they become blocked. Over time, this noise builds up, drowning out the silence beneath.

But make no mistake—the silence is always there. It's just hidden behind all this activity. Think of a time when you were in deep meditation, where your mind was completely still, or when you were immersed in nature, like walking through a peaceful forest or sitting by the ocean. In those moments, the noise fades, and the silence shines through.

Our goal is to remove this noise through healing and clearing practices. As we clear these stuck energies, what remains is our True Nature—pure silence. When we fully realize this, life energy moves freely through us, and experiences no longer get stuck. Instead, we live through them, and they pass, allowing the silence to be our main experience.

This silence is the core of who and what you are. Whether life brings joy, frustration, or pain, it all comes and goes within this silence. It’s constant, unchanging, and profoundly liberating. You begin to observe life through this lens of peace, even when emotions are triggered. The emotions pass, and the silence remains.

So, why aren't we living in this inner peace all the time? It’s because the noise of everyday human life covers it up. But by focusing on clearing that noise and reconnecting with our True Nature, we can experience life from a place of deep calm and awareness.

Until then, have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you soon!

With love and blessings,  


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Small Group Session are now available

Oct 7, 2024

2 min read





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