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Exploring the Levels of Consciousness: From Self-Realization to ParaBrahman.

Oct 21, 2024

4 min read




In my spiritual journey, I’ve learned that awakening is an ongoing process, one that unfolds through various profound levels of consciousness. While stages like Self Realization, Unity, Brahman, and ParaBrahman are significant milestones, they are just part of a journey that never truly ends. Each stage brings deeper insights, but there is always more to discover, experience, and integrate.

The path to awakening continuously evolves, offering new layers of understanding and connection with the Divine. Today, I’ll share my experience navigating these levels, particularly the shift from Brahman to ParaBrahman, and how you can keep progressing on your spiritual journey.

1. Self Realization: Discovering the True Self

The journey begins with Self Realization. In this stage, I came to understand that I was more than my thoughts, emotions, and physical identity. I connected with the true essence of myself—a deep, unchanging awareness beyond the body and mind. This awareness is the Self with a capital "S," and it was a pivotal shift where I no longer identified with my external experiences, but instead saw myself as pure consciousness.

2. God Consciousness: Seeing the Divine in Everything

After Self Realization, I entered God Consciousness. This level allowed me to experience the Divine in everything around me. I saw the presence of divinity in all beings, nature, and creation itself. This state brought with it a deep sense of love and connection, as I began to feel that everything in existence was a manifestation of the Divine. There is a sense of awe and reverence for life, as everything becomes sacred.

3. Unity Consciousness: Becoming One with All

Unity Consciousness, or Oneness, was a life-changing experience. At this stage, the boundary between "me" and "others" completely dissolves. I became one with all of creation, realizing that everything is interconnected. I was no longer separate from the universe but instead merged with it. This brought a profound sense of peace and belonging. However, even in Unity, I realized that hidden emotional wounds or unhealed traumas could still veil the full experience of Oneness. Healing and clearing these blockages were key.

4. Brahman Consciousness: Stepping Outside of Creation

Brahman Consciousness is the level where I transcended the mind, ego, and creation itself. In Brahman, there is pure emptiness—nothingness. The individual identity falls away completely, and there’s no one having the experience. Everything feels empty, and there are no emotions, no love, no fear, no joy—just a vast, quiet stillness. It is a state outside of creation, where the world around you manifests only when you look at it. If you turn away, it collapses. It’s an experience of complete detachment, where the self is no longer a part of creation but observing from outside of it.

5. The Challenge of Brahman: Experiencing Emptiness

While the experience of Brahman Consciousness is profound, it can also be challenging. I found myself feeling detached from the world and those around me, with no emotional connection to people or events. This stage felt static—there was no energy exchange with anything I encountered, and emotions like love and joy were absent. I felt an immense sense of peace, but I realized after a few months that something was missing—human love and connection. This emptiness led me to seek the next phase of my journey.

6. ParaBrahman: Returning with the Power of Creation

ParaBrahman represents a return to creation, but with the deep realization of Brahman integrated. In this state, I reconnected with the joy of existence and unconditional love. The bliss of being returned to my experience—not ecstatic bliss, but a subtle, constant vibration that comes simply from existing. There was a profound shift in how I felt love—not the conditional, human love I had known before, but an unconditional love for all beings, whether they were family, friends, or strangers. This love and bliss became a constant presence, requiring no external circumstances to maintain it.

In ParaBrahman, I also found that manifestation happened much more quickly and directly. With fewer human limitations holding me back, my intentions began to manifest almost instantly. This is because, in ParaBrahman, I was no longer blocked by the constraints of the mind and ego. Instead, everything flowed naturally from my beingness.

The Importance of Making a Decision to Move Forward

One key realization I had during this transition was that I had the power to make a decision—to choose to move forward. While the state of Brahman is liberating, I came to understand that staying in it indefinitely would not serve my growth. It was time to return to creation and bring with me the profound knowledge and experience of Brahman. I made a conscious decision to move into ParaBrahman, and the shift began almost immediately. For anyone feeling stuck in Brahman, I encourage you to ask yourself: what is holding you in this state? Once you are ready, simply decide to move forward and re-enter creation with the higher truths you’ve learned.

Conclusion: Awakening to the Highest States of Consciousness and Beyond

Moving through these levels of consciousness has been the most profound experience of my spiritual journey. From Self Realization to ParaBrahman, each level has brought new insights and a deeper sense of peace, love, and fulfillment. The transition from Brahman to ParaBrahman, in particular, has allowed me to experience both the emptiness of pure awareness and the bliss of creation. Today, I share these experiences through energy transmissions to help others move through their own spiritual journeys.

If you’re feeling called to explore these levels of consciousness, remember that the journey is available to everyone. By embracing each stage and making the conscious decision to progress, you can unlock your highest potential and experience the profound joy and love that comes from true awakening.

With love and blessings,  


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Oct 21, 2024

4 min read





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