Activation of the Spiritual Being: Embodying Enlightenment
Today, I'm excited to dive into a topic that's been long overdue—the Spiritual Being. For months, I've received countless requests to share more about this subject, and though it took some time, today feels like the right moment to finally address it.
In this blog, I’ll discuss the Spiritual Being, a concept that has emerged through my work. You might already be familiar with my guided meditation videos on YouTube, where I walk you through the process of activating this profound part of our existence. If you haven’t experienced it yet, I encourage you to explore those videos.
So, what exactly is the Spiritual Being? Let me start with how it was revealed to me.
During my one-on-one sessions, this concept surfaced repeatedly for many individuals. I began to see their essence, their core level of being, which I was guided to call the spiritual being. This is a fundamental part of everyone’s system, what we are beyond our human experience. While we are humans in this incarnation, at our core, we are pure Beingness having a human experience. I was shown to call it the Spiritual Being, so that we have a context to talk about but it is basically what we are on the core level.
My role is to activate this Spiritual Being within people, allowing them to live through it in this lifetime. Initially, I didn’t fully understand what I was working with, but as I activated it for others, the responses were profound. Many described feeling a strong, divine presence, filled with clarity, openness, and a sense of the infinite. It’s an experience of pure existence, where joy, love, and wisdom flow without limitation.
As I continued working with this energy, I discovered that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had also explored this concept, referring to it as the “Psychic Being,” the divine part of the soul. Their descriptions matched what I was encountering, further affirming the connection. In my guided meditations, I guide people to their Spiritual Being, often located deep within, behind the heart, in a dormant state. Through the process, I help it awaken and expand within the system, allowing it to take precedence over the human layers that often dominate our experience.
The aim of spiritual awakening is to live through this being—to embody enlightenment, if you will. It’s an experience of living from your true essence, where life becomes effortless and unfolds naturally. From the perspective of the Spiritual Being, there are no problems, only tasks to be completed as they arise. It’s a liberating way of living, free from the limitations imposed by our human conditioning, past traumas, and ancestral influences.
There are two main approaches I’ve discovered for working with the Spiritual Being. The first is to activate it and allow it to come forward, where it begins its journey of clearing blockages and obstacles from within. This is a gradual process that requires readiness and a refined nervous system, as this energy is powerful and transformative.
The second approach involves connecting with the Spiritual Being through intention and meditation, asking it to come forward and show itself. With practice, you can bring it forward during your day, living more consistently from this higher truth. The Spiritual Being embodies your highest truth, guiding you toward your fullest potential and the embodiment of your true nature.
If you haven’t tried connecting with your Spiritual Being yet, I encourage you to give it a go. There’s nothing to fear—it’s simply a part of your own system, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. If you’d like to read more about this, I recommend exploring the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, where they delve into these concepts in greater detail.
For members of Next Elevations, I’m thrilled to introduce the new Spiritual Being Frequency add-on. This powerful tool is designed to help the Spiritual Being emerge more easily and stay forward longer. It enhances the connection, allowing you to live from this divine essence with greater consistency and depth.
Remember, this journey is about trusting, allowing, and surrendering. The more you connect with your Spiritual Being, the more your life will transform in beautiful ways. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. I’m here to help.
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to sharing more with you soon.
Next Elevations now offers Spiritual Being Activator as a Frequency Enhancer.
If you would like to experience the Activation of the Spiritual Being try meditating along with the video below: